
Russian sage, a hardy perennial in Zones 4-9 and is a great addition to a garden. It can act as a specimen plant or provide contrast to other plants with its wispy texture and lavender or blue color. Peter Krumhardt. On Russian sage flower spikes, the individual blossoms are tiny. Each flower has a four-lobed upper petal and a smaller lower petal. Around these petals is the calyx, a tube that protects the flowers from damage before they bloom. In the case of the Russian sage, the calyx is covered in coarse white hairs and is also a lavender-blue. These are held on the plant for quite a while, so it will appear to bloom long after its flowers are gone. Russian sage also has silver-green foliage. Leaf edges may have a serrated or wavy edge. All parts of Russian sage are quite fragrant when rubbed or crushed. It’s been described as a…

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Rush Overview DESCRIPTION The curious corkscrew rush loves wet or boggy conditions. It makes a fascinating architectural accent in planters, beds, and moist borders. It’s technically leafless, with green cylindrical stems that are pointed at the tip. Plant rush alongside streams and ponds, though it will tolerate dryer conditions elsewhere. It’s excellent in container gardens. GENUS NAME Juncus COMMON NAME Rush PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 24 to 24 inches FLOWER COLOR Green SEASON FEATURES Colorful Fall Foliage, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Division, Seed PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant More varieties for rush Common rush Juncus patens is an adaptable plant that thrives in various growing conditions, including dry and wet soil. It grows 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide and sports upright…

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Rue Overview DESCRIPTION This shrubby aromatic herb has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes for centuries. It is rarely used nowadays in American cuisine because the leaves have a bitter flavor. Rue grows best in full sun but tolerates light shade. It must have good drainage to survive, however. Rue has fine-texture blue-green foliage and bears yellow flowers in summer. Rue self-seeds, so remove flower heads before they set seed to avoid more plants. This shrub can be clipped into a neat hedge, making it an ideal herb for knot gardens. GENUS NAME Ruta spp. COMMON NAME Rue PLANT TYPE Herb, Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH 18 to 24 inches FLOWER COLOR Yellow FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers, Low Maintenance ZONES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Seed, Stem Cuttings PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant…

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This beautiful shrubby plant can tolerate drought well, while growing plenty of scented leaves for flavoring recipes. Known for its scent and flavor, rosemary can be planted as an herb or a garden ornamental. This perennial evergreen shrub, hardy in Zones 8-10, can be grown as an annual in other climates. It grows quickly and can get very big. The best time to harvest your rosemary is in the morning, just after any dew has evaporated. You can snip stems throughout the growing season to use fresh, or cut a bunch to dry in the fall. To use rosemary, strip the needlelike leaves from the stems and chop before adding to dishes. Store fresh rosemary up to one week in the refrigerator by placing the stems in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel. Pulverize the dry leaves before adding them to dishes, herb blends, or sauces so the aromatic oils are…

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Experiment growing this staple food in containers or in the garden. Enjoy the lovely plant and expect a small harvest. PHOTO:  LITTLE DINOSAUR / GETTY IMAGES Grow rice in the home garden, and you’ll have a much greater appreciation for the steaming bowl of rice that accompanies your next Asian-inspired dish. Rice is an annual grass plant that thrives in Asia and parts of Africa. It will grow in moist, boggy soil, but waterlogged soil is not essential. Most commercial rice is grown in a flooded field, called a paddy, to prevent weed seeds from germinating and overtaking the rice. The rice can tolerate wet conditions, while the weeds cannot. In the home garden, grow rice in wet garden soil or in containers.  Growing this annual grass is relatively easy if you can give it plenty of sunlight and ample water. The labor-intensive aspect of growing rice comes after harvest. The grains…

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Colorful Combinations Rhubarb is a common pass-along plant; gardeners often dig up and divide a clump to share with a friend or neighbor. You can also purchase plants at the nursery and from mail-order sources. There are many varieties of rhubarb on the market, and they have varying levels of sourness and fibrousness. Rhubarb varies in stem color from almost pure green to nearly ruby red. Color does not impart any specific flavors, although red is more attractive for pies. Rhubarb Care Must-Knows Rhubarb grows best in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Augment the soil by spreading a 2-inch-thick layer of compost over the root zone annually in spring. Full sun is essential for healthy rhubarb. Choose a planting site that receives at least 8 hours of bright sunlight a day. Rhubarb is a large plant; when selecting a planting site, choose a space that is at least 3…

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Few plants outshine a rhododendron in full bloom. PHOTO:  BHG / EVGENIYA VLASOVA A classic shade garden plant, rhododendrons are prized for their glossy green foliage and showy clusters of blooms. Available in a variety of hues, the most common flower colors are purples and pinks, as well as white and cream. The Rhododendron genus contains an option for every landscape, from the giant rhododendrons of East Asian mountainsides to the rosebay rhododendrons native to Eastern U.S. woodlands. In areas where dry winters tend to desiccate evergreen types, deciduous varieties of rhododendrons can fill in the gap. Many deciduous types also boast bright yellow and orange hues that work wonders in brightening up shady corners of the garden. When ingested, the leaves, nectar, seeds, and flowers of rhododendrons and azaleas are toxic to humans and pets. Rhododendron Shrub Overview GENUS NAME Rhododendron COMMON NAME Rhododendron Shrub PLANT TYPE Shrub LIGHT Part Sun, Shade HEIGHT…

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This easy-to-grow tree stays smaller and produces a stunning spring show of pink or white flowers. The redbud tree—which is the official state tree of Oklahoma—is a harbinger of spring, ushering in small lavender-pink, white, or magenta blooms in March and April. After a few weeks, the flowers give way to heart-shape leaves that fill the tree’s canopy with beautiful texture as the leaves transition from red to green and then golden yellow in the fall. The seedpods also hold onto the branches into the fall, adding winter interest. The eastern redbud tree (Cercis canadensis) is native to the valleys, forests, and fields of eastern North America from southern Michigan to central Mexico, but there are redbud species as far west as California and as far north as Ontario, Canada. It is considered a small deciduous tree, typically growing no taller than 30 feet in height. It does, however, grow quickly and…

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Use these tips to grow plenty of sweet, juicy raspberries in your own backyard. When you know how to grow raspberries for yourself, the possibilities are almost endless: You can make raspberry jam, raspberry liqueur, or enjoy a fresh bowl of raspberries and cream. Treat yourself to a few fresh berries straight from the plant, and freeze any extras that you can’t use before they start to spoil. To help your raspberry plants thrive and produce a bumper crop each year, make sure you choose the best variety for you, plant in a good spot with plenty of sun, and prune them back in the right season so they’ll keep producing fruit year after year. Raspberry Overview GENUS NAME Rubus COMMON NAME Raspberry PLANT TYPE Fruit LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 8 feet WIDTH 3 to 8 feet FLOWER COLOR White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts…

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Radish Overview DESCRIPTION A favorite early spring crop, radishes are a cinch to grow from seed, producing peppery edible roots in as few as 30 days. In climates with cold winters, you can enjoy a second crop in fall by planting seeds when the nights turn cool in early fall. In mild climates, it’s possible to harvest radishes through winter. Enjoy them in salads or with your favorite dip. GENUS NAME Rhaphanus sativus COMMON NAME Radish PLANT TYPE Vegetable LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 1 to 2 feet FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green ZONES 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Seed Garden Plans For Radish Planting Radishes Pair radishes with other cool-season crops for a delicious and productive early-spring garden. Great partners include spinach, lettuce, mesclun, and other greens; green onions; and peas. All of these can be planted from seed, or starts in the case of…

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