How to Plant and Grow Weigela

How to Plant and Grow Weigela

This shrub has pretty summer flowers as well as colorful foliage.

weigela blooms with green and yellow leaves


Weigela puts on a show of red or pink blooms in spring and early summer and fades into the background as the seasons change. Weigela sizes can range from 1 to 6 feet tall, depending on the variety. These shrubs are also moderately fast growers, reaching their full size after just a few seasons. They’re hardy in Zones 4-9, so they’ll grow just about anywhere in the United States.


Along with variations in weigela sizes, it comes in many foliage colors. Colors can range anywhere from green and gold to deep burgundy while showing a glossy finish. Shades of red and pink are still the dominant colors of weigela blooms, but new varieties have white and yellow options.


Weigela Overview

GENUS NAMEWeigela florida
LIGHTPart Sun, Sun
HEIGHT1 to 3 feet
WIDTH18 to 72 inches
FLOWER COLORPink, Red, White, Yellow
SEASON FEATURESSpring Bloom, Summer Bloom
SPECIAL FEATURESAttracts Birds, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance
ZONES4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Where to Plant Weigela

Weigelas aren’t too picky on planting location, but full sun is best for the biggest flowers and deepest foliage color. They don’t do well in windy areas, so protect them with a wall or other structure.


How and When to Plant Weigela

It’s best to plant weigela in late fall, so the roots have time to form over winter. It can be planted in early spring, as long as the hot weather doesn’t come too quickly. Don’t plant in the summer when it’s too hot for weigela to root well.


Water the weigela shrub in its container before transplanting into the ground. Dig a hole for the plant that’s the same height and two to three times the width of the root ball. Gently spread roots out on the sides and bottom of the root ball before placing in the hole. Fill in with soil around the plant, then thoroughly water the soil. Add more soil as needed to make sure the the plant is at the same soil level as it was in its container. Add an inch of mulch to the top of the soil.


Weigela Care Tips

Once planted and rooted, weigela is an easy shrub to care for.



Weigela needs plenty of sunlight. A little shade is ok, but not too much. The more sunlight the plant gets, the brighter the blooms.


Soil and Water

A mildly acidic soil pH of 5.5 to 7 is best for weigela. Keep your newly planted weigela moist and make sure the soil drains well.


Once your shrub is well-established, you don’t need to water it as frequently—regular rainfall should be enough to keep it watered. However, your weigela may need additional watering if you’re having a hot, dry summer.



Use a balanced liquid fertilizer once a year for weigela shrubs or pellet shrubs. Fertilize before new growth appears on the plant, usually in early spring.



Many dwarf varieties of weigela need almost no maintenance. Simply trim back any dead wood in the spring. Larger types may need pruning throughout the growing season to maintain their shape. However, if you prune in the fall, you risk losing next spring’s flowers.


Potting and Repotting Weigela

Keep an eye on the top few inches of soil when planting weigela in a pot. When it dries out, you’ll need to water it. Keep potted weigela in full to part sun, whether indoors or out. This low-maintenance plant will grow well when potted.


Pests and Problems

Other than common garden pests like aphids or spider mites, weigela doesn’t have many problems to be concerned about. Use a strong spray of water to get rid of these pests.


How to Propagate Weigela

Propagate weigela by stem cuttings. Take a 12-inch cutting just below a pair of leaves right after the first frost of fall or early spring before leaves appear. Dip in rooting hormone and place in soil, either in pots or in the ground. Make sure the soil doesn’t dry out. It can take a while for propagated stems to begin to grow.


Types of Weigela

‘Briant Rubidor’ Weigela

briant rubidor weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Briant Rubidor’ bears green-and-yellow variegated foliage and wine-red blooms on a shrub that grows 7 feet tall. Zones 5-8


‘Eyecatcher’ Weigela

eyecatcher weigela

Weigela ‘Eyecatcher’ offers bold, variegated foliage on a compact shrub that grows to 2 feet tall and wide. It produces deep red flowers in late spring. Zones 4-8


‘Ghost’ Weigela

ghost weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Ghost’ offers chartreuse foliage that pales to a shiny pale yellow in summer and deep red flowers. It grows 4-5 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-8


My Monet Weigela

my monet weigela

Weigela florida ‘Verweig’ is a compact combination of green, rose, and white variegated foliage that sparkles in the shade. Pink blooms appear in summer. It grows 18 inches tall and 2 feet wide. Zones 4-8


‘Polka’ Weigela

polka weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Polka’ is a vigorous shrub that grows 5 feet tall and wide and features yellow-throat, pink flowers continuously from early summer to early fall. Zones 4-7


‘Red Prince’ Weigela

red prince weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’ produces red flowers on arching stems in late spring then again in late summer. It grows 5-6 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide. Zones 4-7


Variegated Weigela

variegated weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ offers green leaves edged in creamy yellow that turn white as the leaves age. It’s a refreshing effect in shade gardens. It grows 5 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-8


Wine and Roses Weigela

wine and roses weigela blooms

Weigela florida ‘Alexandra’ features burgundy foliage and rose-pink flowers in late spring. It grows 4-5 feet tall. Zones 4-8


Companion Plants for Weigela


Like weigela, peonies do best in full sun but will grow in part shade. These perennials come in a variety of flower colors, and are hardy in Zones 3-8.


Bearded Iris

Bearded irises are easy-to-grow perennials with colorful flowers. They’re hardy in Zones 3-9.



Spirea, a tough flowering shrub, has the same soil and sun needs as weigela. It comes in many colors and sizes, but newer varieties are easier to maintain than older ones. It’s hardy in Zones 5-9.

Author: foxany

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