How to Plant and Grow Spiderwort

How to Plant and Grow Spiderwort

These easy-to-grow perennials produce small but numerous flowers over several weeks in summer.

With their simple foliage and small flowers, perennial spiderworts, hardy in Zones 4-11, are great companions to many other plants. Spiderwort flowers are comprised of three petals, borne at the tips of foliage stems and often in clusters. Usually, a few blooms in each cluster are open simultaneously, and all blooms are open for a single day. These plants may not have the showiest blooms, but they certainly make up for it with quantity. There are many buds per stalk, and the bloom time can last up to three months.


There are tropical and perennial options, so many different spiderworts are available.


Spiderwort Overview

GENUS NAMETradescantia
LIGHTPart Sun, Shade, Sun
HEIGHT6 to 36 inches
WIDTH8 to 36 inches
FLOWER COLORBlue, Pink, Purple, White
FOLIAGE COLORBlue/Green, Chartreuse/Gold
SEASON FEATURESFall Bloom, Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom
SPECIAL FEATURESGood for Containers, Low Maintenance
ZONES10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
PROPAGATIONDivision, Seed, Stem Cuttings
PROBLEM SOLVERSDeer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Groundcover

Where to Plant Spiderwort

Spiderworts aren’t too picky when it comes to exposure. Many varieties are just as happy in partial shade as in full sun. Most appreciate some shade from the hot afternoon sun. There are even some species that will do just fine in full shade.


It’s a good choice for planting along a walkway or garden edging since it grows in low clumps. It tolerates moisture so will thrive in a woodland setting, in a rain garden, or by a pond.


How and When to Plant Spiderwort

Plant spiderworts in the spring. To plant a nursery specimen, dig a hole about the same width and depth as the planting container. Remove the plant and loosen the roots a bit from the root ball before placing in the hole. Backfill with soil, tamp lightly, and water well. Plant spiderwort with about a foot between plants, so they have plenty of room to grow.


Spiderwort Care Tips

Spiderwort is an easy-care plant that grows well in a variety of environments.



Spiderwort will do fine in most kinds of light exposure, but more sunlight will result in better blooms.


Soil and Water

Most spiderworts prefer to be planted in humusy, well-drained soil that’s slightly acidic and stays somewhat moist. However, some species can handle drought better than others and do fine in consistently drier soils. If you live in a rainy climate, your plants won’t need additional watering, but if the weather is dry, water plants weekly.


Temperature and Humidity

Plants may go dormant in very dry soils, especially in southern climates with hot summers. Come fall and cooler temperatures, many species of spiderwort will happily begin again, sending up new shoots and sometimes new blooms. Spiderwort thrives in humidity but doesn’t need additional moisture if grown in a dry climate.



If your soil is fertile, extra feeding isn’t needed. Otherwise, during spring and summer when spiderwort is actively growing, you can apply a 1/4-strength complete liquid fertilizer monthly. You can add compost to your soil throughout the season, but it isn’t necessary.



Unfortunately, spiderwort can look ragged after it finishes blooming. Foliage is generally the first thing to decline, becoming yellowed and limp. When this happens, plants can be cut back to the ground. To keep this from happening, mid-season pruning is helpful. Shear the plant back to 8-12 inches high, and pull leaves from it to promote more blooms. This process will also help to keep spiderwort from self-sowing and becoming a problem in your garden.


Pests and Problems

Despite the ease of care for spiderworts, there may be some issues when growing them. Spiderworts are susceptible to leaf spot, and plants start to decline once they get it. This generally won’t kill the plants; as long as foliage is removed, the next re-sprouting should be clean.


Since it’s a native wildflower, pests are rarely a problem.


How to Propagate Spiderwort

Propagate spiderwort through division. Divide clumps in the fall or early spring for replanting. Dig up the plant and cut or break the clump into smaller sections with leaves and roots attached. Plant these into the garden at the same depth as the original plant and water well.


Since spiderworts are self-seeding, there’s not usually a need to plant them from seeds.


Types of Spiderwort

‘Bilberry Ice’ Spiderwort

'Bilberry Ice' spiderwort

Tradescantia ‘Bilberry Ice’ offers white blooms with a lavender-purple blush at the center. It blooms in early summer and grows 2 feet tall. Zones 4-9


‘Sweet Kate’ Spiderwort

'Sweet Kate' spiderwort

Tradescantia ‘Sweet Kate’ has bright yellow foliage that emerges in late spring. The brilliant purple flowers are dramatic against the leaves. It grows to 15 inches tall. Zones 4-8


‘Innocence’ Spiderwort

'Innocence' spiderwort

Tradescantia ‘Innocence’ bears pure white flowers in early to midsummer. It grows 2 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-9


White Spiderwort


Tradescantia andersoniana has broadly grassy leaves that clasp the fleshy stems. Clusters of buds in purple, pink, or white top the stems opening sequentially to jewel-tone flowers, each lasting only a day. It grows 3 feet tall. Zones 5-9


Spiderwort Companion Plants



One of the longest bloomers in the garden, coreopsis produces (usually) sunny yellow daisy-like flowers that attract butterflies. Depending on the variety, Coreopsis also bears golden-yellow, pale yellow, pink, or bicolor flowers. It will bloom from early to midsummer or longer—as long as it’s deadheaded. Zones 3-9


Lady’s Mantle

Lady's mantle

Lady’s mantle looks great in the garden and a vase. The chartreuse flowers appear in frothy clusters above the foliage. Lady’s mantle is ideal for softening the edge of a shaded path or creating a groundcover in dappled shade. Zones 3-7




These vigorous growers are beautiful additions to the garden. They vary in form, including tall, stately plants suitable for borders and others that are more like creeping groundcovers. Flowers are tight spikes of 1/2-inch to 1-inch cups carried alone or in whorls. Unfortunately, several sorts may become invasive and need to be controlled.

Author: foxany

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