
This hardy bulb produces colorful flowers that bloom from midsummer to fall. As the name suggests, the spider lily has long, spiderlike petals on its flowers that appear from midsummer to fall. There are more than a dozen species in the Lycoris genus; all are native to Asia, but spider lilies are often assumed to be native to the United States because Lycoris radiata has naturalized in several states in the southeastern United States.  This hardy bulb has a curious habit of blooming on bare stems with no foliage present, which has earned it the common names “naked lady” and “surprise lily.” It is also dubbed the hurricane lily, as it tends to bloom during hurricane season in the United States. The flower is a close relative to the amaryllis and much like its kin, has a striking flower. This plant generally puts out its foliage in spring after the coldest weather has passed. …

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Spanish Flag Overview DESCRIPTION Spanish flag is a sign of summer. This tropical vine, also called firecracker vine, is in the morning glory family and prized for its quick growth—easily scrambling 18 feet or more in two months—and showy flowers in shades of red, orange, yellow, or white. Perfect for quickly cloaking a pergola or providing shade on an arbor, Spanish flag is easy to grow from seed. Seeds of this heirloom are occasionally hard to find at local garden centers, so you might have to buy it from an internet source. GENUS NAME Ipomoea lobata COMMON NAME Spanish Flag PLANT TYPE Annual, Vine LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 8 to 20 feet WIDTH null to 18 feet FLOWER COLOR Orange, Red, Yellow FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Low Maintenance ZONES 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Seed PROBLEM…

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This groundcover is perfect for shady, moist locations. Solomon’s seal is a classic shade garden plant that adds an architectural component to garden beds, thanks to its arching stems. In spring, the stems are lined with small, bell-shaped, white blooms. These blossoms later give way to bluish-black berries that wildlife love. The spreading and clumping habit of this plant makes it an excellent groundcover for shady spots. There’s a world of little-known types of Solomon’s seal. Some variegated selections are unique, and many plant sizes are available. You can find dwarf forms less than 6 inches tall and varieties up to 12 feet tall. These aren’t usually found at commercial garden centers, so check online or at local specialty nurseries. Jerry Pavia. These plants make great backdrops for other shade-loving perennials in the garden. New sprouts of Solomon’s seal emerge in spring and are ornamental in their own right. In some varieties, this new…

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Sorrel Overview DESCRIPTION Sorrel begins growth in early spring, providing salad greens when few other edibles are available. The plant thrives in full sun or partial shade, and it prefers moist soil. Some types can be grown in shallow water. Sorrel develops a mound of foliage that grows 12-18 inches tall, and it sends up a flower stalk with green flowers that mature to reddish-brown seeds. Remove seed stalks to prevent the plant from self-sowing.  GENUS NAME Rumex spp. COMMON NAME Sorrel PLANT TYPE Herb, Perennial, Water Plant LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH 12 to 24 inches FLOWER COLOR Green SEASON FEATURES Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Division, Seed More varieties for sorrel Bloody dock Rumex sanguineus is also known as red-vein dock because it has deep green leaves with contrasting deep…

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Snowdrop Overview DESCRIPTION A traditional herald of spring, the common snowdrop has become glamorous, with many new forms available. It’s no wonder — this classic offers nodding white bells, dotted and underskirted with green and hanging from arching stems. They have a light, sweet fragrance. Snowdrops are very easy to grow, requiring only a well-drained soil. They prefer a shaded location and will spread naturally within a few years. GENUS NAME Galanthus_ ssp. COMMON NAME Snowdrop PLANT TYPE Bulb LIGHT Part Sun, Shade, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH null to 4 inches FLOWER COLOR White SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Division PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Groundcover, Slope/Erosion Control Garden Plans For Snowdrop More varieties for Snowdrop Double snowdrop Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’ offers lightly fragrant double flowers that open to reveal green-tipped, ruffled…

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This classic cool-season annual blooms best during spring and fall. A classic annual, snapdragons have been grown for generations. This cool-season annual’s flowers fit right in with pansies and violas and look good in mixed containers or cut for bouquets. Not only are they appreciated by humans for their bright, cheery colors, but they are also an important nectar plant for bumblebees. Snapdragons are one of the few flowers that come in almost every color. As a result, they make a great addition to any garden, even in the winter in regions where it doesn’t freeze. Snapdragon Overview GENUS NAME Antirrhinum majus COMMON NAME Snapdragon PLANT TYPE Annual LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 6 to 18 inches FLOWER COLOR Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom, Winter Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES…

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One of the toughest houseplants, snake plants can tolerate most indoor conditions. With its stately upright foliage, the snake plant—also called mother-in-law’s tongue—adds architectural form to a room and complements all styles of decor. There are no stems on the snake plant, just tough, thick, upright leaves, which make it an ideal floor plant for small spaces. Some dwarf varieties form small rosettes of leaves. The most common foliage showcases shades of green with silver-gray horizontal streaks. Some variegated varieties have cream or gold edges. Under the right conditions, a snake plant will bloom. While not overly showy, the flowers are borne in large clusters, usually white with a greenish tinge. The small, tubular flowers emit a sweet floral fragrance that can fill a room, but the snake plant blooms only once every several years, not following any schedule. Snake plants are toxic to dogs and cats, so keep them away from…

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Shooting Star Flower Overview DESCRIPTION A North American native, shooting star joins other woodland wildflowers like bluebells and trillium to ring in spring. Shooting star sends up a tall, leafless flower stalk that soon reveals white to pink star-shape flowers with recurved petals. The dramatic flower stalk and cluster of pendulous flowers makes shooting star a star of the spring woodland garden. Tricky to get started, this spring ephemeral is worth the effort of selecting the just-right planting site and improving soil with well-decomposed compost if needed.  GENUS NAME Dodecatheon meadia COMMON NAME Shooting Star Flower PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Shade HEIGHT 6 to 12 inches WIDTH 8 to 12 inches FLOWER COLOR Pink, White SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom ZONES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Division Planting Shooting Star A moist shade garden is the ideal planting place for shooting star. Growing just 1 to 2 feet tall and…

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Shiso Overview DESCRIPTION Grown for its boldly colored leaves, shiso is a container gardener’s dream plant. Exceptionally tolerant of high heat and dry growing conditions, shiso looks good through summer’s hottest days. Pair it with other heat lovers, such as lantana and mandevilla, or simply fill a container with several shiso plants for a pretty pot from spring until frost.  GENUS NAME Perilla COMMON NAME Shiso PLANT TYPE Annual, Herb LIGHT Part Sun, Shade, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH null to 2 feet FOLIAGE COLOR Purple/Burgundy SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance PROPAGATION Seed, Stem Cuttings Garden Plans For Shiso Edible Interest A popular plant in Asian cuisine, shiso’s purple-red leaves are used to color and flavor vinegar and make beautiful pink rice. The leaves are also a wonderful addition to salads—you’ll love the color, texture, and flavor. Count on…

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Easy, always fresh, and always eye-catching, Shasta daisy is a longtime favorite. All cultivars produce white daisy flowers in various degrees of doubleness and size. The sturdy stems and long vase life make the flowers unbeatable for cutting. Shasta daisy thrives in well-drained, not overly rich soil. Taller sorts may need staking. Shasta Daisy Overview GENUS NAME Leucanthemum_ x _superbum COMMON NAME Shasta Daisy PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 1 to 2 feet FLOWER COLOR White SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Division, Seed PROBLEM SOLVERS Drought Tolerant Varieties of Shasta Daisy ‘Alaska’ Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Alaska’ bears 3-inch-wide single white flowerheads with yellow discs on 2- to 3-foot stems. The flowers start to bloom in early summer and continue through fall if deadheaded routinely. Zones…

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