
The more pods you harvest, the more these plants will produce. Green Bean Care Must-Knows Green beans are easy to grow from seed planted directly in the garden. One of the keys to a great bean crop is to wait until the night temperature regularly stays above 55° F before planting. Bean seeds germinate poorly if planted too early. Select a full sun planting site that has fertile, well-drained soil. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows 18–24 inches apart. Sow seeds every three weeks or so until the end of June to provide a long, continued harvest.   Commonly munched by rabbits and deer, protect bean plants with fencing if these garden invaders are a problem in your area. Few other pests and diseases threaten beans. Prevent disease in future years by planting beans in a different spot in the garden each year. This practice is…

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Plant these tiny bulbs in masses for the most eye-catching display. Grape Hyacinth Overview GENUS NAME Muscari COMMON NAME Grape Hyacinth PLANT TYPE Bulb LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH 3 to 8 inches FLOWER COLOR Blue, Purple, White, Yellow FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Division PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Groundcover   Colorful Combinations Year after year, you can count on grape hyacinths to unfurl their grape-like clusters of tiny purple, blue, white, or yellow bell-shaped flowers shortly after the snow melts. Explore the many colors of grape hyacinth, including two-toned Muscari latifolium and the sky-blue flower spikes of ‘Valerie Finnis’. These tiny bulbs are inexpensive and easy to plant, so there is no need to limit your selection to just one variety. Plant three to five varieties for a vibrant…

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Grape Overview DESCRIPTION One of the oldest cultivated crops, grapes have been grown for its fruit that we eat fresh or dried or process into jam, jelly, juice, or wine. Choose varieties that are hardy and well-suited to your area. The long-lived vines require annual maintenance and a few years to come into full production, but the investment of time and care produces results that surpass any supermarket offering. GENUS NAME Vitis spp. COMMON NAME Grape PLANT TYPE Fruit, Vine LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 8 feet WIDTH 6 to 12 feet SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds ZONES 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Grafting, Layering, Leaf Cuttings, Stem Cuttings   Garden Plans For Grape Harvest Tips Vines bear fruit the second or third year after planting. American and table grapes are ready when they reach full cultivar size and color, in about 150-165 days. Leave raisin grapes on…

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One-of-a-kind gourds are fun to grow in your own backyard. Differing in color, shape, and size, every gourd looks unique. Easy to grow, gourds thrive in long, warm growing seasons and large spaces. Don’t have space for a large garden? No problem. Plant gourds at the base of a fence panel and let them grow up the side of the structure. Celebrate the bounty of autumn by bringing your favorite gourds indoors to use as fall decor.    Gourds Overview GENUS NAME Cucurbita spp., Lagenaria spp., Luffa spp. COMMON NAME Gourds PLANT TYPE Vegetable, Vine LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 6 to 12 feet ZONES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Seed   Where to Plant Gourds Gourds need full sun and well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH between 6.5 and 7.5).   An important consideration when scouting your yard for a suitable spot…

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This cheery perennial will be a star in your garden. Colorful Combinations Goldenrod begins displaying its yellow blossoms beginning in late summer and continuing into fall. Some varieties feature large flower clusters held at the tops of tall stems; others boast gracefully arching stems holding single rows of blossoms. Look closely and you’ll see each large spiky, fleecy, or flat-topped flowerhead features hundreds of tiny daisylike flowers that resemble those of aster, a close relative of goldenrod.   Goldenrod Care Must-Knows Most types of goldenrod prefer to grow in full sun and well-drained soil. Full sun ensures the biggest, showiest blossoms possible, and helps the taller species and varieties stay vertical without staking. Keeping the soil evenly moist—but not soggy—boosts the beauty of the plant’s floral display. Once established, goldenrod is drought-tolerant. Forget about fertilizing; goldenrod doesn’t need it to thrive, and feeding this perennial encourages floppy growth. Beware: Some goldenrod…

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Easy tips for planting, pruning, and harvesting goji berries. Grow your own superfruit PHOTO:  VLADIMIRFLOYD / GETTY IMAGES Antioxidant-rich and easy to grow in most of North America, goji berry is a tiny fruit that packs a powerful health punch. This medium shrub has small purple or white flowers in early summer and 1- to 2-inch-long scarlet fruits begin to appear in mid-summer. Plants bloom through summer and harvest continues through frost. One goji berry plant can produce several pounds of fruit in a season. Native to Asia, goji berries are tolerant of a variety of soils, even growing in lean soils where other berry plants languish. Goji Berry Overview GENUS NAME Lycium barbarum COMMON NAME Goji Berry PLANT TYPE Shrub LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 6 Feet WIDTH 4 to 6 Feet FLOWER COLOR Purple, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green, Gray/Silver SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom ZONES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION…

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This flower makes for the perfect focal point in your garden. Colorful Combinations In the garden or in a vase, gladiolus adds garden-fresh drama. An old-fashioned flower originally from South Africa, the lofty flower spikes of gladiolus emerge from disc-shaped corms that are planted in spring. When done right, fresh-cut flower spikes will last for more than a week in a vase. Search your favorite online bulb retailer for glads—you’ll find varieties with blossoms in nearly every color of the rainbow. Garden Design Tips Call on gladiolus when you need a dramatic focal point in the garden or bold vertical structure. The sword-shape foliage and upright flower stalks draw attention. Pair gladiolus with dahlias, peonies, and other sturdy perennials that can provide support for these tall, petal-packed flower spikes. If you are growing gladiolus primarily for cut flowers, plant the corms in rows as you would vegetables. Row planting makes for easy soil…

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Get to the root of growing this popular herbal supplement, including tips for planting and harvesting ginseng. PHOTO:  ODYPHOTO / GETTY IMAGES Ginseng is a native perennial plant with a fascinating history. Mostly grown for its purported medicinal powers, the plant itself has an unassuming appearance. To grow your own ginseng, you’ll need at least three things: a cool shady spot, well-drained humus-rich soil, and consistent moisture. Oh, and one more thing: patience. If your backyard includes an area that mimics this plant’s natural woodland habitat, trying your hand at growing this herb can be a rewarding project. And when visitors ask about it, you can regale them with tales of ginseng’s storied past. The plant grows 8-16 inches tall with three to five upright stems, each bearing three to five toothed leaflets. Beginning its second year from seed, tiny whitish green flowers appear in spring. These are followed by attractive bright red…

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Ginkgo Overview DESCRIPTION It’s a magical sight when the ruffled, fan-shape leaves of the ginkgo tree turn gold in fall. The delicate appearance of this ancient tree belies its toughness in city conditions. Smog-, pest-, and drought-tolerant, the ginkgo will grow in either acidic or alkaline soil. Ginkgos are slow-growing and make excellent street trees. Select cultivars rather than species to avoid growing female trees; they produce foul-smelling fruit. GENUS NAME Ginkgo biloba COMMON NAME Ginkgo PLANT TYPE Tree LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 20 to 20 feet WIDTH 30 to 80 feet SEASON FEATURES Colorful Fall Foliage SPECIAL FEATURES Good for Containers ZONES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Stem Cuttings PROBLEM SOLVERS Good For Privacy, Groundcover, Slope/Erosion Control

Common ginger used for cooking comes from a tropical plant you can grow at home. Ginger is one of the oldest documented spices—it’s been used for centuries for seasoning Asian and Indian dishes. It’s a familiar ingredient in today’s kitchens, its warm flavor enhances many dishes from curries and stews to gingerbread and beer. It also makes a refreshing tea. It’s available dried and ground, but its flavor is far more impressive when you use the fresh root. You can buy ginger at most grocery stores, but it’s also easy enough to grow and harvest your own ginger root at home. Ginger hails from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, where it grows as a herbaceous perennial. Its bamboolike shoots bear narrow, glossy, bright green leaves. In cooler climates, ginger makes a great houseplant or it can be grown outdoors as a summer annual either in the ground or in a container. It is sensitive to cold…

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