
These tough evergreen shrubs come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit almost any landscape. Versatile and tough, junipers are hardy in Zones 3-9 and offer reliable evergreen color and texture to just about any garden. So whether you are looking for a steely blue groundcover or a taller shrub for a privacy hedge, a juniper variety can fill the job. Immature juniper plants have small needles, but as the plant matures, it grows scale-like leaves, which bear fruiting cones. When deciding what to plant, consider the type of juniper foliage that will work for your situation. For example, if you’ll be planting near walkways or other spots that get pedestrian traffic, use types with scales—the needles can be quite sharp and cause a temporary rash on some people. Juniper Shrubs Overview GENUS NAME Juniperus COMMON NAME Juniper Shrubs PLANT TYPE Shrub LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 1 to…

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Get essential tips for planting, growing, and harvesting cold-hardy and productive jostaberries. PHOTO:  FLOWERPHOTOS / GETTY IMAGES Deep purple jostaberries produce pounds of marble-size, sweet and tangy fruit in mid-summer. Relatively new to the berry patch, jostaberry bushes debuted in 1977 and are a cross between exceptionally tart gooseberries and sweet currants. Grown for their reliable productivity in cold regions, jostaberries tolerate temperatures as low as -40°F. Plan to plant two different cultivars of this thornless shrub for the best fruit set. Varieties with red and deep purple, almost black berries are available. The long-lasting fruit stays on the bush for weeks maintaining good quality, provided it is protected from birds. Jostaberries are sweet enough to eat fresh and useful in preserves, sauces, pies, and juiced for beverages. Jostaberry Overview GENUS NAME Ribes x nidigrolaria COMMON NAME Jostaberry PLANT TYPE Fruit, Shrub LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 6 Feet WIDTH 3 to…

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This native perennial attracts lots of pollinators to its large flowers. Joe Pye weed is a statement piece in any garden. Hardy in Zones 3-10, it can reach up to 8 feet tall and wide. As long as you have the space, this native wildflower adds texture to a garden with deep green foliage and airy purple blooms and can act as a backdrop for smaller plants.   Hundreds of tiny thread-like petals on the giant stalks of this perennial create clouds of blooms in late summer and persist into fall. These blooms are attractive to butterflies and other pollinators, so you’ll have lots of activity around your garden with Joe Pye weed. Once the flowers begin to fade, the seeds will ripen and puff up further to add more late-season interest.   Joe Pye Weed Overview GENUS NAME Eutrochium COMMON NAME Joe Pye Weed PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Sun…

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This sweet root vegetable tastes a little like an apple. PHOTO:  BENTABOE / GETTY IMAGES Jicama, a vegetable primarily grown and eaten south of the border, is fast becoming a snack food and a healthy alternative to fries and chips. With a texture akin to water chestnuts and a sweet, almost nutty flavor, jicama lends itself to both savory dishes and desserts where it’s sometimes used as a lower-carb apple substitute. This root vegetable has even made it onto the lunch menu in many schools.   Native to Mexico and Central America, jicama has been cultivated for thousands of years. Jicama grows exceptionally well in tropical zones, where its long vines can reach upwards of 15 to 20 feet. Outside the tropics and subtropics, jicama is frost tender and must be protected for proper growth and harvest.    Although most jicama is grown commercially in the tropics and subtropics, it can be grown as an annual…

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Jerusalem Artichoke Overview DESCRIPTION Surprise! Jerusalem artichoke is neither an artichoke nor from Jerusalem. Instead, it’s a member of the sunflower family that is native to North America. Today Jerusalem artichoke is planted in wildflower meadows, native gardens, and other habitats for birds and pollinators. flock to Jerusalem artichoke seed heads, and butterflies visit this plant’s sunny yellow flowers that bloom for weeks in late summer and fall. As a human, you may want to harvest this plant’s edible tubers shortly after the flowers fade. Mash them like potatoes or grate them raw into salads. GENUS NAME Helianthus tuberosus COMMON NAME Jerusalem Artichoke PLANT TYPE Perennial, Vegetable LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 8 feet WIDTH 3 to 5 feet FLOWER COLOR Yellow FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers ZONES 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Division PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Drought…

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Nothing tops the delightfully fragrant addition of jasmine to the garden. Few plants are as well-known for their intoxicating fragrance as jasmine. The small, numerous blossoms are often intense enough to fill a room with scent and can be enjoyed from several yards away in a garden. Many species and styles of jasmine are available, most of which make a delightfully fragrant addition to the garden.   Uses for Jasmine Blooms The fragrance from jasmine blooms is one of the most sought-after scents for products like expensive perfumes and flavored teas. Jasminum sambac and grandiflorum are most commonly used in the fragrance industry. The flowers of these jasmines are usually picked early in the morning before the buds have fully opened when they have their maximum fragrance.   For tea, thousands of jasmine blossoms are layered between alternating layers of tea leaves at night (jasmine will have its peak scent at this time). After…

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Meet the easy-to-grow succulent that can live for decades and grow quite large when cared for properly. A branched, succulent shrub, the jade plant is a popular indoor plant grown primarily for its lustrous green leaves that sprout from its thick, somewhat woody stems. This low-maintenance plant can live a long time, taking on the appearance of a miniature tree as it ages. And it’s very easy to grow as long as it’s not overwatered or exposed to very cold temperatures.   Jade plants should be kept out of the reach of pets since they can be toxic to animals1. Jade plants can also be moderately toxic to humans2 when ingested and contain a sap that can cause dermatitis when touched.   Jade Plant Overview GENUS NAME Crassula COMMON NAME Jade Plant PLANT TYPE Houseplant LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 10 feet WIDTH 2 to 3 feet FLOWER COLOR Pink, White…

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Add a splash of blue to your shade garden with this pretty perennial. Colorful Combinations The flower color is primarily blue, but there are some pleasing pink and white options as well. Many varieties of Jacob’s ladder are also prized for their foliage. ‘Stairway to Heaven’ features crisp cream variegated foliage that looks good all season, even when not in bloom. Other species boast purple-tinged leaves in spring that fades to a deep emerald color. These plants hold their own in part shade, adding texture to any garden.    Jacob’s Ladder Care Must-Knows These perennials grow well in some settings and are finicky in others. Jacob’s ladder prefers well-drained soil; it will not excessively wet soil for long periods. The plant thrives with rich, organic soils, so adding compost to poor soil is a good idea before planting. During extended dry spells, plan on additional watering to keep Jacob’s ladder looking…

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This perennial is perfect for damp soil conditions. Colorful Combinations Jack-in-the-pulpit blooms in spring. Its intricate, cuplike flowers have a hooded top (a spathe) in earthy colors like green, cream, burgundy, and brown. From the center of the cup, a pollen-bearing spike peeks out, resembling a person standing in a pulpit. As the flowers fade, the plant produces a cluster of red berries mid-to late-summer. These berries become more visible as the spathe withers and shrinks, adding a late dash of color to the shade garden.   Jack-in-the-Pulpit Care Must-Knows This native plant thrives in damp, acidic, and rich humus forest floors in eastern North America. To create this habitat for Jack-in-the-pulpit in your garden, amend the soil in an area of full or part shade with compost and an acidic fertilizer if needed. It doesn’t require a well-drained location as many other plants do, making it a wonderful option for wet,…

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Irish Moss Overview DESCRIPTION Traffic-friendly Irish moss is a great little plant for blanketing the ground around flagstones or along the edges of gravel paths where plants sometimes struggle to grow. Don’t worry about treadling lightly on Irish moss—it will bounce right back from occasional damage. Handsome, lush, deep green foliage forms a soft, cushy mat that is evergreen in many climates. Irish moss blooms in spring and has a light fragrance. Perfect for creating a barefoot-friendly path, Irish moss is also a wonderful plant for rock gardens, where it forms a soft carpet of evergreen color among rough-and-tumble boulders. It is at home in trough (stock tank) gardens and container plantings, where it will slowly creep to cover open soil. Its delicate, ferny foliage is also a favorite for fairy gardens. Growing just about 1 inch tall and boasting pretty white flowers, Irish moss is a nearly perfect plant…

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