
This fragrant classic spring flower easily fills a shady space below a tree. How can such a tiny flower give off such a tremendous scent? Tiny lily of the valley sends up its lovely little sprays of bell-like white or pale pink flowers each spring. Allow it to spread a little (which it does, so much that it can be a problem) and it will perfume the whole area with its distinctive scent. It also makes adorable, tiny bouquets. It makes a good groundcover in small areas.    Lily of the valley is toxic to humans and pets1.   Lily of the Valley Overview GENUS NAME Convallaria majus COMMON NAME Lily of the Valley PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Part Sun, Shade HEIGHT 6 to 12 inches WIDTH 6 to 12 inches FLOWER COLOR Pink, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers, Fragrance, Good for Containers,…

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This bulbous plant will produce stunning blooms in a variety of colors, and sometimes they are even sweetly scented. Lily Overview DESCRIPTION Boasting some of the brightest and biggest petals in the plant kingdom, not to mention potent perfumes, lilies unfold their gorgeous blooms from early summer to early fall. There are several types to choose from, including Asiatic, the enticingly fragrant Oriental, and longiflora hybrids. Each offers an array of colors and forms. GENUS NAME Lilium COMMON NAME Lily PLANT TYPE Bulb LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH null to 12 inches FLOWER COLOR Blue, Orange, Pink, Red, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Fragrance, Low Maintenance ZONES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Division, Seed   Planting Lilies Lilies look at home in all areas of the landscape. Plant them near an entryway or patio to…

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These sweetly scented hardy harbingers of spring come in many sizes and flower colors. With sweetly scented, pastel blooms and heart-shaped leaves, lilacs stand out in the landscape as welcome harbingers of spring. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including dwarf and midsize shrubs, and small trees with showy bark. Consider planting multiple types of lilacs with a range of bloom times and colors to enjoy several weeks of attractive flowers and fragrances.   Lilac Shrubs Overview GENUS NAME Syringa COMMON NAME Lilac Shrubs PLANT TYPE Shrub LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 3 to 25 feet WIDTH 3 to 20 feet FLOWER COLOR Blue, Pink, Purple, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Colorful Fall Foliage, Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Fragrance, Low Maintenance ZONES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PROPAGATION Stem Cuttings PROBLEM SOLVERS Drought Tolerant, Good For Privacy…

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Licorice root is shrubby perennial and is a member of the legume family. Licorice root, a shrubby perennial that bears bluish-purple flowers in summer, is a member of the legume family. A native of the Mediterranean, it grows well in hot, dry areas. The roots are the edible portion of the plant, producing flavoring for candies and a sweetener that quenches thirst. Dried roots are sometimes used as chew sticks. The plant spreads by rhizomes, so it can be easily divided to start new plants. It is not related to the ornamental annual called licorice plant (Helichrysum).    Licorice Root Overview GENUS NAME Glycyrrhiza glabra COMMON NAME Licorice Root PLANT TYPE Herb, Shrub LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 3 to 8 feet WIDTH 3 to 4 feet FLOWER COLOR Blue, Purple SEASON FEATURES Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers ZONES 10, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Division, Stem Cuttings

Growing your own salad is simple with this easy-care veggie. Lettuce Overview DESCRIPTION There’s no need to wait until tomatoes ripen in summer to embrace garden-to-table deliciousness. That’s because lettuce, a suitable plant for small-space gardens, is exceptionally easy to grow in cool weather. Plant lettuce in early spring and your table will overflow with tender, flavorful greens 6-8 weeks later. GENUS NAME Lactuca sativa COMMON NAME Lettuce PLANT TYPE Vegetable LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH 2 to 12 inches PROPAGATION Seed Planting Loose-Leaf Lettuce Because loose-leaf lettuce displays an open-growth pattern, it does not form a head. Loose-leaf types include varieties of mesclun lettuces. Look for seed mixes by the names of ‘Cut and Come Again,’ ‘Flashy Trout Back,’ ‘Paris Market Mix,’ and ‘Wine Country Mesclun.’ Plant several varieties of mesclun at the same time to enjoy a mélange of colors, textures, and flavors…

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This hearty legume can help replenish nutrients in your garden soil. PHOTO:  INAHWEN / GETTY IMAGES Like many other crops, lentils have been grown for thousands of years and have been spread from their native Mediterranean to most countries throughout the world. The edible seeds of lentils are commonly referred to as pulses and contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. And lentil plants themselves have the ability to improve the soil by adding nitrogen to it through their roots. Use this guide to plant, grow, and harvest lentils in your own garden. Lentil Overview GENUS NAME Lens culinaris COMMON NAME Lentil PLANT TYPE Annual LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 12 to 24 Inches WIDTH 12 to 24 Inches FLOWER COLOR Blue, Pink, Purple, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green PROPAGATION Seed Where to Plant Lentils Lentils can easily be grown in gardens or even in pots due to their quick growth rate and small size. These hardy…

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This vigorous edible plant will brighten up your yard as well as your plate. Peter Krumhardt. Lemongrass Overview DESCRIPTION Prized for its intense citrus-like scent and flavor, lemongrass has many uses, from herbal teas to insect repellents. It adds texture to gardens as well, and is a fast grower. Plant it close to walkways so you can grab a leaf as you walk by and rub it between your fingers to enjoy its refreshing lemony aroma. GENUS NAME Cymbopogon citratus COMMON NAME Lemongrass PLANT TYPE Herb, Perennial LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 2 to 3 feet FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SPECIAL FEATURES Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 10, 11, 9 PROPAGATION Division, Seed   Colorful Combinations While lemongrass is not particularly colorful, it can act as a wonderful companion plant in garden design. With its vibrant green foliage and grassy texture, it adds interest to a…

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Lemon verbena should be an herb garden staple for its citrus-scented leaves. Lemon Verbena Overview DESCRIPTION If you love lemon flavor, make room for lemon verbena in your garden. Grown in a pot, this fragrant beauty will maintain a tidy size. In the ground, it forms a luxuriously lemony shrub. Packed with delicious citrus flavor, thinly sliced leaves add zest and aroma to fish, salads, and steamed vegetables. In the garden, lemon verbena benefits from formative pruning. In spring and as needed throughout the growing season, snip branch tips and entire stems to keep the plant shaped and in bounds. Grow plants in light shade in southernmost gardens. GENUS NAME Aloysia triphylla COMMON NAME Lemon Verbena PLANT TYPE Herb, Shrub LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 6 to 6 inches WIDTH null to 6 feet FLOWER COLOR Pink, White SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Good for Containers, Low Maintenance…

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This easy-to-grow herb lends a citrus-like flavor to marinades, teas, and garnishes. Long used to calm and lift spirits, lemon balm is grown for its oils for aromatherapy and leaves for flavoring. This perennial herb also makes a great addition to most gardens because it attracts pollinators. You may want to plant this member of the mint family near walkways where you can brush against its quilted green leaves and enjoy their pleasing scent. You can even rub fresh leaves on your arms while gardening to drive away mosquitoes. Add the edible leaves to soups, salads, sauces, or vegetables. Mix dried leaves into potpourri.   Lemon Balm Overview DESCRIPTION Long used to calm and lift spirits, lemon balm is grown for its oils for aromatherapy and leaves for flavoring. This perennial herb also makes a great addition to most gardens because it attracts pollinators. You may want to plant this…

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Lemon Overview DESCRIPTION Productive, fragrant, and beautiful, lemon trees thrive in regions that have a climate similar to the Mediterranean—warm, dry summers with cool winters and little humidity. One lemon tree can produce bushels of fruit. Do you live in a cold climate? Enjoy the beauty and occasional fruit set of a lemon tree by growing one in a pot. Place the potted lemon tree outside in late May to encourage fertilization; bring it back indoors to a bright, sunny location in winter. GENUS NAME Citrus limon COMMON NAME Lemon PLANT TYPE Fruit, Tree LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 8 to 20 feet WIDTH 10 to 15 feet FLOWER COLOR White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom, Winter Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Low Maintenance ZONES 10, 11, 9 PROPAGATION Grafting, Layering, Stem Cuttings   Lemon Tree Care Your lemon tree will be most productive when planted in full sun and fertile, well-drained soil.…

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