
Pampas Grass Overview DESCRIPTION If you need a large grass that makes a big statement for a large landscape, look for pampas grass. It stands at a staggering 8- to 12-feet tall. With showy flowers opening in August and lasting through February, pampas grass is a valuable member of the winter landscape. Plant it in landscape beds, or use it as a living screen. In states such as California and Hawaii, pampas grass is identified as an invasive plant and is not recommended because it self-seeds and spreads to form dense colonies. Check the planting regulations regarding pampas grass before planting it in your area. GENUS NAME Cortaderia selloana COMMON NAME Pampas Grass PLANT TYPE Perennial LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 3 to 8 feet WIDTH 4 to 8 feet FLOWER COLOR Pink, White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom, Winter Interest SPECIAL FEATURES Cut Flowers, Low Maintenance ZONES…

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Palmetto, or palmetto palm, is a common name used for several different palms that are commonly used in home landscapes. They belong to the Sabal genus, which comprises 17 subtropical and tropical palm species. The plants are native to southeastern North America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. In palmetto palms, all of the fronds grow from the top of the plant. The fronds are curved and fan-shaped, with blades that can reach 3 to 4 feet in length. The single trunks are tan-gray.   As native palm trees or shrub-like palms, palmetto palms are low-maintenance and have high wildlife value. They provide shelter and nesting material for bats, birds, small mammals, snakes, and insects. Native Americans considered the sabal palm a “Tree of Life.”   Palmetto Overview GENUS NAME Sabal COMMON NAME Palmetto PLANT TYPE Tree LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 5 to 60 feet WIDTH 4 to 20 feet FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Winter Interest SPECIAL…

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Uses for Pachysandra If you struggle with bare patches under trees and shrubs, pachysandra may be your solution. This plant grows low and spreads nicely, almost mimicking a lawn in the way its green foliage can carpet a garden bed. There are also some spectacular variegated kinds, which will brighten shady spots. The flowers’ intense fragrance (similar to a jasmine or gardenia-like scent) appeals to many people, although others describe the smell as a flowery mothball. If you have a sensitive nose, be sure to smell the plants before purchasing them.   Pachysandra Care Must-Knows Pachysandra is a good grower in evenly moist, rich soils. But good drainage is key: If soils are too wet, the plant will develop root rot and die. It spreads with rhizomes and will cover bare ground when left to do its thing. Although vigorous, the plant rarely ventures past garden boundaries and into lawns. They can…

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The diverse oxalis genus comprises hundreds of species. There’s a wide range of annuals, perennials, and even tropical types of oxalis. Many oxalis are bulb-forming plants, while others form vigorous spreading plants that can create dense colonies.   While many oxalis species have beautiful blossoms, these plants are most commonly grown for foliage. You can often find them in florist shops around St. Patrick’s Day because their leaves resemble shamrocks and are often regarded as a sign of luck. Their leaves come in shades of purple, burgundy, pink, green, and silvery gray.   The plants bloom with small five-petal blossoms with intricate details on the inner petals. These blossoms often begin as tubular flowers that twist open to show off dainty stripes and dark-color throats. They can be found in shades of pink and white, while other species feature yellow and orange blossoms. There are species like Oxalis versicolor with flowers resembling peppermint candy: mostly…

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Oregano Overview DESCRIPTION A multitasking perennial, oregano is a fragrant addition to the garden as well as the kitchen. Plant it in a sunny garden bed or container close to the house for quick and easy harvest for your next Mediterranean-inspired meal. In the garden you’ll love oregano’s clean, green foliage and casual mounding habit. Small flowers appear in summer, which draw pollinators. GENUS NAME Origanum vulgare COMMON NAME Oregano PLANT TYPE Herb, Perennial LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 1 to 3 feet WIDTH 2 to 4 feet FLOWER COLOR Blue, Pink, White SEASON FEATURES Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Attracts Birds, Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance ZONES 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Division, Stem Cuttings PROBLEM SOLVERS Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Groundcover, Slope/Erosion Control   Oregano Care Must-Knows Oregano is best grown from nursery-grown transplants or cuttings. Oregano can be grown from seed, too, but seed…

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Orange Overview DESCRIPTION Orange trees are a popular selection for gardeners in citrus-friendly climates. While grapefruits, mandarins, and acid fruits are also favored, sweet and juicy oranges are the most popular. In addition to producing tasty fruit, the trees have ornamental value, too. When in bloom they will perfume a landscape and a well-maintained tree makes a striking focal point. Plant an orange tree where it can be enjoyed from outdoor living spaces but far enough removed that any falling fruit will not create a messy problem. GENUS NAME Citrus spp. COMMON NAME Orange PLANT TYPE Fruit, Shrub, Tree LIGHT Sun HEIGHT 8 to 20 feet WIDTH 10 to 30 feet FLOWER COLOR White FOLIAGE COLOR Blue/Green SEASON FEATURES Spring Bloom, Winter Bloom SPECIAL FEATURES Fragrance ZONES 10, 11, 8, 9 PROPAGATION Grafting, Stem Cuttings   Choosing an Orange Tree There are hundreds of varieties of sweet orange trees. Orange…

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Choosing Onions Onions are generally classified as short-day and long-day varieties. Onions begin to form bulbs based on the amount of daylight they receive. Short-day varieties require 10 to 12 hours of daylight to produce bulbs, while long-day varieties need 14 hours or more. Generally long-day types are grown in cool climates because they produce large bulbs over a long period of time while short-day types are great for warm climates where they will quickly produce a robust crop. There are many different storage and fresh-eating varieties of onions within each category.   Onion Care Onions thrive in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. Loose soil that freely drains is essential; onion bulbs will rot in clay and slow-draining soil. Plant onions in raised beds or containers if garden soil drains poorly. Onions can grow well in a container; choose a pot that is at least 16 inches in diameter and 12…

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This heat-loving, evergreen shrub produces beautiful pink or white flowers in summer. Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a tough shrub that is a sturdy ornamental addition to landscapes in warm areas (it won’t tolerate a hard freeze). It’s versatile and useful as a border, hedge, or screening plant, and a good pick for a potted plant.   Oleander flowers emerge at the tips of stems for a flush of pink or white. The flowers typically have a single row of petals, but some varieties set a double row of petals for a better show. They stand out against long, narrow, bright green leaves with a light midrib, making them reminiscent of olive trees.   All parts of the oleander shrub are highly toxic to humans,1 dogs, cats and horses.2 Unlike some plants that have one toxic compound, oleander has several. Also, be careful when pruning oleander because the milky sap can cause skin irritation. Even…

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Planting Okra Okra is a relatively large (as much as 6 feet tall, depending on the variety and growing conditions) warm-season vegetable that’s ideal for growing in the back of the garden mixed in with other summer flowers and veggies, or featured by itself or combined with other veggies in container gardens.   Okra is related to hibiscus and has similar-shape flowers. Be sure to plant it where you can enjoy the beauty of its golden-yellow blossoms. Though each flower only lasts a day, there’s a profusion of flowers throughout the summer.   Make the most of your space by planting lettuce early in spring, then once summer heat arrives and the lettuce fades, plant okra in its place. Plant okra with eggplant, another summer vegetable that’s surprisingly ornamental. It pairs beautifully with okra as its purple flowers and fruits contrast with okra’s yellow blooms. Or, play off okra’s tropical look with…

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Oak Overview DESCRIPTION Rounded and densely leafed, the oak is the archetypal shade tree and a stately presence in British and American history. Both oak leaf and acorn motifs have often appeared in the decorative arts. Most oaks grow to considerable heights, requiring plenty of space to spread their branches. Toothed oak leaves are leathery and distinctive; fall color varies from a dull yellow brown to fiery red to gold. Many species feature showy bark, either deeply furrowed or scaled. Oaks such as the Northern red oak, Kellogg oak, and coast live oak are native to the U.S. A number of species also grow in Mexico. A moist, organic-amended soil in full sun encourages most oaks to grow quickly to their full potential. Some species are sensitive to alkaline soil. GENUS NAME Quercus COMMON NAME Oak PLANT TYPE Tree LIGHT Part Sun, Sun HEIGHT 20 to 20 feet WIDTH 25…

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