How to Plant and Grow Columbine

How to Plant and Grow Columbine

These graceful perennials are grown for their ferny leaves and colorful spring blooms.

Close up of purple and white Columbine


Columbines have truly unique-looking flowers. With their dangling bell-like shape and spurs at the back, nothing else quite them. Because perennial columbines bloom in almost every color, these easy-to-grow perennials are popular garden plants. They also seed themselves around the yard.


These happy plants begin blooming near the end of bulb season, adding a pop of color right when your garden needs it. Their delicate blue-green foliage also makes a beautiful statement in the garden. Hardy in Zones 3-9, there are 60 to 70 species that grow in many different environments, including moist woodlands and rocky alpines.


Columbine Overview

LIGHTPart Sun, Sun
HEIGHT6 to 12 inches
WIDTH6 to 24 inches
FLOWER COLORBlue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
SEASON FEATURESSpring Bloom, Summer Bloom
SPECIAL FEATURESAttracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance
ZONES3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Where to Plant Columbine

Depending on the species, ideal conditions can vary. For example, Columbine has several alpine species that do best in cool weather, full sun, and well-drained soils. The more common types are usually native to woodlands. They do well in rock gardens and cottage gardens, and most species are drought-tolerant.


How and When to Plant Columbine

Potted plants or in-ground Columbine should be planted in early spring or fall. The best way to plant columbine is with seeds gathered from existing plants. To germinate seeds, scatter them on top of soil in containers and lightly cover them with more soil. Set pots in a sunny location, and in a few weeks, seedlings will sprout to 3 or 4 inches, and they’ll be ready to be planted outdoors.


Columbine Care Tips

Columbines are easy-to-grow perennials that need little care.



Most columbines grow best in partial shade, but some will do fine in full sun. Check which type you’re growing for the correct amount of light it needs.


Soil and Water

Columbines prefer neutral and evenly-moist soils. No columbines like to stay wet for an extended period of time. If they’re wet too long, they’ll rot. Good drainage is essential to the columbine’s health, so avoid clay soil when planting them.


Temperature and Humidity

It’s important to remember that columbines are cool-season perennials and not very fond of hot and humid summers, especially the alpine varieties. So if you’re growing columbine in a garden with hot and humid summers, give them afternoon shade. Some species go dormant in the summer and will grow foliage back in the fall.



Use liquid fertilizer for columbine, and if blooms aren’t satisfactory, use an NPK fertilizer. Fertilize once a month during growing season for healthier plants.



Sometimes if you prune back columbines to their healthy base leaves after the first bloom, you’ll get a second wave of flowers. At the end of blooming season, cut them back by half to keep the plant looking pretty, even without its flowers.


Potting and Repotting Columbine

Plant each columbine seedling in its own 10-inch container with drainage holes. The soil should be well-draining.


Pests and Problems

Leaf miners will leave their mark on columbine’s leaves. If you see their “doodles,” pick through the leaves and crush the larvae. Aphids and sawflies are other pests that can be found on columbines. Spray them with neem oil or insecticidal soap.


For fungal infections such as powdery mildew, remove the affected leaves and apply a fungicide to control the spread.


How to Propagate Columbine

Columbines are relatively short-lived perennials that reseed heavily in the garden. Because they may be crossing with other varieties of columbines, most seedlings generally don’t look much like the immediate parents. Often, they revert to simpler types and common colors. If you want to preserve a specific variety, it’s best to weed out any unwanted seedlings and keep the main plant as happy as you can.


If you divide columbine, recommended for every two to three years, be sure to dig deep to get the entire root. Divide the plant down to the root and replant one half in the existing hole while replanting the other half elsewhere.


Types of Columbine

‘Blue Barlow’ Columbine

Aquilegia 'Blue Barlow'

Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Blue Barlow’ has interesting, shaggy-looking double flowers that dangle over finely divided foliage. Zones 3-8


Canadian Columbine

Canadian columbine

Aquilegia canadensis bears red-and-yellow nodding blooms. It has ferny foliage and grows 3 feet tall. Zones 3-8


‘Melba Higgins’ Columbine

'Melba Higgins' columbine

Aquilegia ‘Melba Higgins’ grows 24-30 inches tall and bears midnight blue flowers on blue-green foliage in midspring. Zones 4-8


Rocky Mountain Columbine

Close up of purple and white Columbine

Aquilegia caerulea, the state flower of Colorado, is native throughout much of the Rocky Mountain West. Its blossoms are most commonly blue and white, although a pink-and-yellow variant is also available. Zones 3-8


‘Spring Magic Navy and White’ Columbine

'Spring Magic Navy and White' columbine

Aquilegia ‘Spring Magic Navy and White’ produces bold blue-and-white flowers on a compact 14-inch-tall plant. Zones 4-8


Yellow Columbine

Yellow columbine

Aquilegia chrysantha is native to the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico and bears yellow flowers in spring over lovely bluish-green foliage. It prefers light to moderate shade. Zones 3-8


Columbine Companion Pants



Phlox are summer flowers great for any large sunny flowerbed or border. There are several different kinds of phlox, and all types attract birds to the garden. Phlox need amply moist soil for the best overall health. Zones 4-8


Toad Lily

toad lily

Toad lilies are Asian blooms with orchid-like flowers that bloom when the garden is winding down in fall. They grow best in light shade in humus-rich soil that retains moisture and are suitable for borders or less formal parts of the garden and among shrubs. Some self-seed but not aggressively, and they gradually become large clumps. Zones 4-9




Foamflower is a plant for all seasons. Use them as edgings or accents at the front of borders, or plant them close as groundcovers in lightly shaded woodland gardens. Foamflower prefers high-humus soils but can grow in other soils. Zones 3-9

Author: foxany

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